Improved the Win Audio Driver – Now the audio driver will record normally even if the user’s speaker configuration is set greater than 2 channels – for instance if it’s set to quadraphonic, or surround sound.
Added better diagnostic logging during the song recognition process.
“Reset” button now properly grays out when it is disabled.
Track item(s) remains selected making it easier to move up and down tracks in the track list.
Improved Win Audio Driver. This new driver should eliminate skipping and static.
Fixed a bug in the Recording folder setting. Users can now change the recording folder in the settings to point to folders that contain special characters (Unicode).
Better track recognition logging. There is now a new log file that is dedicated only to track recognition.
Better track splitting when using the Win Audio Driver.
Can now add the sequence number to the recorded file name by using the %s option.
Duplicate file names are no longer recorded over. For example if a duplicate is found a (2) is appended to the end of the file name.
“Windows Audio Driver” is now the default driver, except for Windows XP users who do not have the “Windows Audio Driver” option and so the “Audio Driver” is their default.
Users that use Firefox to record audio no longer need to worry about what Flash version they have when using the “Audio Driver”.
Instructions now show how to turn off the system sounds if “Windows Audio Driver” is selected so system sounds are not recorded.
Fixed a bug where Replay Music would no longer record if an illegal file name character is entered in the “Album” field.
Fixed a bug where Replay Music would stop recording if a Unicode character appeared in a recorded file name when recording to the WAV format.