DVR improvements to splitting and alerting users when they are using non Aero themes.
TV and Movie guides now support videoweed and novamov as sources.
Fixed display of some YT adaptive audio format which was showing as MP3 instead of M4A.
Fixed {S} shorthand naming rule in title.
Handled parsing of corrupt timezones in registry.
Only check for audio format when >= vista to allow start on XP (Note that XP is not officially supported).
Fixed audio recording to Wav format.
Fixed Minimum Duration setting for internet downloads.
Fix for youtube http protocol detection (when page mode is switched off).
Fixes for anticipated April YouTube API changes.
Windows store application HTTPS Isolation advanced settings (Windows 8+).
Ignore local culture when parsing HDS manifest duration field so duration is read correctly on Austrian machines.
Quicker parsing of flv files that are corrupt or dont have meta data.
Fixed sort of duration and size columns.
RMC now registers as a default program for magnet link protocol.16. Scheduler: Fixed display update of schedule day-of-the-week.
Scheduler: Fixed activation of save button when specify output folder is switched on/off in schedule.
Scheduler: Ensure schedule settings are passed through when new streams are detected.
Scheduler: Ensure scheduled RSS feed has a valid from DTG20. Scheduler: Fix for ICY redirect resulting in scheduled recordings lasting longer than set.