Better recognition for Yahoo LaunchCast and MusicMatch.
Fixed bug where in a multiple edit the album tag now always
gets updated.
Fixed bug where in multiple edit the album file name now always
gets updated.
Fixed directory format bug where Replay Music creates the
correct directories and should no longer get the "Could
not create MP3 or WAV file because directory does not exist."
New icon.
Changed to more readable font for messages.
Proxy settings remain in proxy text boxes even if a user unclicks
that they no longer have a proxy.
Fixed multiple editing bug where if a track still existed
it will no longer say that the track could not be found.
Improved iTunes interface.
Added command line capability. For example: ReplayMusic.exe
dur=60 album="Best of Rolling Stones" where dur is
the duration in minutes and album is the album name and folder
songs will be stored.
Sequence numbers and Track numbers are now numerically sorted.