Better recognition for Yahoo LaunchCast and MusicMatch.
Fixed bug where in a multiple edit the album tag now always
gets updated.
Fixed bug where in multiple edit the album file name now always
gets updated.
Fixed directory format bug where Replay Music creates the
correct directories and should no longer get the "Could
not create MP3 or WAV file because directory does not exist."
New icon.
Changed to more readable font for messages.
Proxy settings remain in proxy text boxes even if a user unclicks
that they no longer have a proxy.
Fixed multiple editing bug where if a track still existed
it will no longer say that the track could not be found.
Improved iTunes interface.
Added command line capability. For example: ReplayMusic.exe
dur=60 album="Best of Rolling Stones" where dur is
the duration in minutes and album is the album name and folder
songs will be stored.
Sequence numbers and Track numbers are now numerically sorted.
Added new sortable track number and sequence number columns
to song list window.
Added new silver GUI skin.
Added "Split now" button.
Added track number option for file formatting.
Added directory formatting found in the start new session
Fixed bug where if a user uses burn audio CD with 80 minutes
setting, and if they go to another setting such as Record to
MP3 that the 80 minute setting is cleared.
Proxy settings are now all encrypted.
F1 key is now disabled so help file not found message does
not appear anymore.
Fixed "Replay Music does not detect internet connection" message
that periodically appeared.
Fixed multiple edit bug that displayed a message that a song
already existed when it didn’t.
Can now adjust the Connection Speed to accommodate slower connections.
New Turbo Mode- Turbo Mode allows recording at the highest
bandwidth that your Internet connection can provide. How high
the recording speed will go depends on the remote server available
bandwidth. In most cases 3 to 5 Mbps can be achieved on cable
connections. Turbo Mode works for On Demand (pre-recorded) streams
and should only be utilized with cable connections or DSL connections
higher than 256 Kbps.
New Mirror Recording Mode – This mode allows recording while
mirroring the Real Player play. In this mode the Real Player
needs to be active for the entire duration of recording. The
Mirror mode should be used for overloaded web sites with reduced
bandwidth capability, like Live broadcasts.
New Stream Info – This function allows you to get stream information
from a recording in progress. In particular the number of lost
packets and the current bandwidth show the integrity of the final
recording. To access this option right click the file name in
the Recording window.
New Reprocess File function – To fix recording errors use
the Reprocess File option. File errors that can be fixed are
offset, timing, codecs and indexing errors. This option should
be used if the Real Player playback shows a continuous "Loading…" ,
when sound is missing or when it takes a long time to seek through
a long file. To access this function right click the file name
in the PLAY window.
Update RP Settings – This option should be used if you changed
the Real Player settings after RM Recorder was installed. In
particular the settings of interest are Connection Speed, Proxy
and Network Transports found in Real Player / Tools / Preferences.
New Split function – To split one section of a file you select
the start and the end times of the split. When splitting timed
recorded files (files with a start time different than zero)
you need to specify split times greater than the start time.
New Merge function – Two files can be merged at the time.
When merging files, the first file is always the first highlighted
file name in the PLAY list.
Audio Extraction – The audio track of a video file can be extracted
in Real Player format. The extracted files can be split and merged.
Compatibility with RealMedia Producer and RealMedia Editor
– The recorded files are compatible with RealMedia Producer and
RealMedia Editor for On Demand (pre-recorded) broadcasts . For
Live or timed recordings use the RM Recorder editing functions.
New tracks now always go to the bottom of the list.
Play Track now shows media player.
Improved recognition success rate.
Fixed timed recording bug
Fixed record to Audio CD 80 minute max bug.
Added tabs to the settings dialog (helpful for 800×600 resolution displays).
The Registration dialog is now accessible for screen reader programs for visually impaired users.
Added new keystroke shortcuts: Ctrl+Alt+T accelerator used to sort title column, Ctrl+Alt+A accelerator used to sort Artist column, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A accelerator used to sort Album column, Ctrl+Alt+G used to sort Genre column, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T used to sort time column.